Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2 days and counting

Well it is 2 days until I board a plane in Bismark ND and start making my way across the world to Tanzania Africa for the opportunity of a lifetime! I have been packing for a week! Which sounds like I am taking a ton of stuff with me, but I am not! I am checking one back full of things like; shampoo, mac & chez, vandal note books, extra tooth past, bed bug/tick/ants/etc spray; you know things like that! In my carry on bag I have all of my clothes for 5 months, some malaria pills, underwater camera (for the pics I take when diving), portable external hard-drive for my computer, couple pair of sandals, two purifying water bottles; things like that! At this point I hope that I have it all because I am done packing and just want to get this adventure started! To all those I am leaving behind in the states- have a great semester/next 5 months, lets keep in touch, AOT, I will miss you, and look out for my next post!       


  1. Wow, I'm impressed - you have a blog! Well, I'm eager to follow your adventures and I wish you all the best and a safe journey. Kinda wish I was going with you... but I'll send you lots of positive energy to help you on your way.

  2. Awesome, Kim! I was in Dar Es Salaam for about 1 day. Africa is an awesome place, and I only wish I could have spent more time there. This is quite ambitious of you -- hope you have a fantastic experience!
