Monday, February 28, 2011

Things I am missing

So my dad the other day requested a picture of a dalla dalla! So here it is dad! Although its to bad it wouldn't be safe to get a picture of the larger dalla dalla I take to my internship every week when it is packed! This one is unusually empty!

So that leads me to a request: please let me know if there are things you all are interested about that I haven't talked about yet! Or if there are things I have talked about that no one gets or would like a picture of - I will see what I can do!

Here is just another random pic of a billboard on campus! This is also my gift of advise to my fellow students! :)

its kind of blurry so I will have to take another one sometime! 

Qwa Hari! (goodbye) Badi (see you/ talk to you latter) Upenda (love ya)

Finally! Morogoro!

So the girls finally made it to Morogoro; no protesting, bombs, to get in the way of us leaving town. So on Friday after class we caught the bus and headed to Morogoro. About 3 hours and no brake downs latter we arrived in Morogoro. The place was fantastic. The scenery on the way west into the mainland of Tanzania changed significantly. The Uluguru Mts are beautiful. Much bigger and grander then I was anticipating! We worked with a hicking company called Chilunga Cultural Tourism company. They were a great group to work with, locally owned and operated and very excited to have us. We where there only customers that week. We stayed at the Hotel Oasis - sounds pretty nice and fancy and it wasn't bad what was better was that split 4 ways it was about $10 a night. As for the excitement and other things "to do" in Morogoro there really isn't anything. We went to the market on Sunday before heading back on the bus.

Now for the best part - all the pictures. They really don't do the mountain and view any justice!

taken on the drive into Morogoro

The start up and into the mountain - we are doing the Morning Side Trial Hike

Emmanuel our guide

the oldest boy new 2 english words picha and money!

Local village/tribe leader with his 2 year old son

the start of the rock slide water fall - never really got a great look at it :(

view from the top

German Colonial house that controlled the mountain trade

Me at the top

Clothes drying in the sun

you can kind of see the wedding procession - where the woman of the village are taking the new bride to her new home

the streets are much cleaner and safer then those in Dar

Morogoro is cleaner - not as much trash - posters/advertisments new and old everywhere - like in Dar

Hotel Oasis - room split 4 ways for $10 for 2 nights!

waiting for our bus back

Morogoro bus station - was not safe to take out camera at Dar bus station

   Hope you all enjoyed! Last week was my first full week of classes!! My safari clay hat from art fell apart and was not worth taking a picture of - but we are on to wood carving now - so maybe that will be my new calling! Elliot and I are making the finale arrangements for our Zanzibar diving trip!! There are a few others who are going to join us and do snorkeling too! Looking forward to that and then its Spring Break and you will never guess where we and what we have planned for that!! (know if i can just make my budget work!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Weekend In Dar

So this weekend we all stayed put! It was still pretty exciting. We started out the weekend on Friday by going out to dinner at an Ethiopian Restaurant. It was my first time and it was very interesting. We all sat around this wicker table thing in really low chairs. Then our food comes out on the is bread stuff in all bowls. Everyone pretty much shares. We are then given stripes of this tasteless bread stuff to scope and eat what we ordered in the bowls. It all the main dishes are very spicy and flavorful and they have to be to make the bread stuff worth eating!

Saturday Kelly and I went with our friend from work Gordean. He took as to the other side of the city, we crossed the fairy, and then got to a beach. The weather was kind of bad so we just hung out and chatted. He was a really nice guy. He went to UDSM and now works for YOSFO. He wants to go back to school and get his masters in Business Administration. He has a twin brother and 2 younger sisters. He is very soft spoken and shy. He is also shorter than me. Men here are not normally tall. Every once in a while there will be a taller male and then he is really tall! Saturday night we where told that this restaurant was hosting the party of the month. So we thought we would go have dinner there and check it out! Not what we where expecting. A supper fancy place, people not dressed like how we normally see them, we were dressed up to go out and where still under dressed! The food was ok, but we were really not feeling it so we left before the party really got started. There were a lot of "older" people there.

Sunday myself and Kim went to Nasra's brothers home. Her brother Bashere and his wife Stella. The are very nice and very well off for Tanzania. Bashere went to Findland for his masters in Environmental Science. He now owns his own environmental consultancy firm that is contracted out by the Government. Stella works with the Dean of Students Office at UDSM. She has been to the U.S. to teach Swahilli at a university for a semester. During her time in the US her brother was going to school at Idaho State! I couldn't believe it! She has even been to Idaho! So in other words they speak great English and they send their oldest son, Abdul (5) to and international private school! He can already speak English flawlessly and without hardly an accent! I was blown away! This kid is going to be the next President of Tanzania! or do great things - hopefully.While at Nasra's brother's home we where made lunch. Pilau, it was delicious and fish, which was not. It was quite difficult to force feed myself the fish. It was just sooo fishy and had bones in it!

Later Sunday evening Burlesque was playing at the movie theater! and I loved that movie and wanted to go again. So I got all my new friends on the hall together and we went! It was great to watch all my Tanzanian friends watch the movie and then explain lines like " he bats for the other team"! It was great! They really enjoyed it and I am going to be buying that sound track and movie as soon as I can!! P.S. Lauren and Anna Marie - it was still the best when I watched it with just you guys!!

Anyway - it was one fun, interesting, and learning experience this weekend! Enjoy the few pics from my weekend!

Addis in Dar - Ethiopian Restaurant

Beach Gordean took us too

Me and Gordean

Kim and Nara's niece Amra 

Abra - girl 3 - Abdul boy 5 - Amra -girl 1

Getting ready to eat lunch - very lucky family because they not only have a refrigerator but a maid

Nasra - Abdul - Abra