Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Explosions In Dar

Well...I don't know all the details, but there were explosions happening all evening in Dar last night. All we know is that it was a military base where bombs spontaneously combusted, went off by accident, went off on purpose, etc. The how it happened has not been explained and apparently this happened about 2, 3 years ago and the Government may have covered up/distorted the truth; so some of the locals say. There was a news announcement that those within a 10 mile radius of the  Mbagala  area needed to evacuate. This is also right next to the airport which was shut down. So instead of going to our internship today our internship contact told us to stay on campus because he didn't know what the situation was or could become.

Campus is fine and safe!

Below is a link to a web article about the events.
Explosions at munitions depot rock district near Dar es Salaam airport -

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